Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where's my Creativity?

OK, so why is it when you give yourself a deadline all creativity flies out the window? I have finally given myself a completion date for my cookbook (Spring 2010). That's a good thing, right? However, now all creativity seems to have flown out the window. What I have discovered is that I am a stubborn, hard headed, completely out of the box kind of person. I think it must be genetic as most of my family is the same way. I hate being told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. That's one reason why my husband and I home school our kids. Honestly, I didn't want to be told what I had to do with my kids, let alone when we had to wake up in the morning:) It's those darn Scots-Irish roots I think. Genetics or not, what I have decided is that this is going to be a great test of perseverance for me. I will stick to my deadline and persevere through this confining, stifling structure, otherwise known as work to most.

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