I love Udi's products. Finally a GF bakery company that makes tasty moist products. I first picked up a pack of Udi's bagels a few months ago. After not eating a bagels in more than two years the craving was more than I could stand. The thought of that toasty smell mixed with cream cheese and fresh sprouts had haunted me for years. At the moment I saw those bagels I think I could have killed to be able to eat just one bite of REAL bread. So without hesitation I grabbed the Udi's GF bagels and a pack of cream cheese and darted home asap. The first thing I did when I got home was toast that bad boy up. To my surprise the bagel was chewy and crispy all at the same time. Not at all like the other brands I had tried. You know the kind that required you to chew for about 30 minutes before being able to swallow their hard tasteless bagel shaped cardboard rounds. Glory be, this bagel was different, it actually tasted good.
Udi's also has a full line of GF muffins in many different flavors. I would highly recommend the lemon strudel muffins, talk about yummy!
The website is
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