As many of you know, eating out is one of the more difficult tasks for any celiac or for that matter anyone trying to eat gluten free. First, you have to make sure the restaurant really gets the importance of your condition and secondly, are they willing to try to accommodate your dietary needs. As for me I am very comfortable in any kitchen and would really love to go in the kitchen and prepare the food myself. I have found that most restaurants and or health departments frown on this idea. Most servers would probably look at me like I'm crazy if I were make that suggestion. Well, let me tell you about a lovely surprise I found a few weeks ago.
Recently my wonderfully awesome hubby took me to Asheville, NC for a weekend get away (without the kids). I grew up in Asheville as a kid and now live in Georgia. I love my live and can't see myself ever leaving Georgia, but I do find myself missing North Carolina every fall. So off we went for a weekend in the mountains and a Leonard Cohen concert, which by the way Leonard Cohen was amazing, but I digress so to back to the story. So while in Asheville walking around downtown I realized I needed a little coffee pick me up. Well lucky me, we just so happened to be right in front of a cafe named Posana so in we went. I ordered a cappuccino and began to look over the menu to see if I could order anything that looked gluten free. About that time my cappuccino came and sitting on the plate next to my cup was the most delicious looking piece of biscotti. I looked it over and thought just a little nibble might not ruin my whole day maybe just a couple hours of it, RIGHT. Then reality hit me NO I can't have just one bite and get this biscotti off my plate ASAP. So my hubby being the wonderfully sensitive guy he is, grabbed the biscotti off my plate before I could react and started munching on it. As we sat there I started looking around and what to my wondering eye should appear but sticky buns on display, biscotti in cups, and the lady next me eating a most delicious looking sandwhich on chibotta bread. While sitting there working up a proper pity party for myself our server came by to take our order. I immediately went to my typical restaurant script asking if they had a gluten free menu or any items on the menu that were gluten free. A smile crossed her face as she began telling all about how they had largest selection of gluten free items in the area. I think she could see the confusion on my face. Before I could question if she understood the gluten free thing, she informed me that the owner/chef is gluten free and that they do not use gluten in or around any gluten free items. They totally get and understand cross contamination. Come to find out, the boscotti was even gluten free, and yes she brought me another piece to try, YUMMY. How could it be, of all the cafes in all the towns in all the world I decided to walk into this one. Oh happy day, we ended up eating there three more times during our stay. Every time was better then the first and the food never disappointed.
If you are ever in Asheville check this place out. I have a feeling you to will be pleasantly surprised. Be sure to check out the sticky buns, yummy!
nice. I have no understanding of the GF life, but I appreciate that others do.