You'll never miss the "real" whipped cream when eating this.
1 can of coconut milk (full fat not the light coconut milk)
1-2 tablespoons (sweeten to taste)
1/2-1 teaspoon vanilla extract (flavor to taste, sometimes I use lemon, almond or even coffee flavoring depending on what I'm using it on)
1. Place your can of coconut milk upside down in the refrigerator and chill overnight or longer. I always keep a can in my refrigerator at all times.
2. The next day turn can right side up and open. Drain the clear liquid coconut milk out of the can. Scoop out the solid coconut fat out of the bottom of the can and put in the bowl of an electric mixer with the whisk attachment. Add sugar and whisk on med/high until sugar is incorporated. Add the flavoring and scrape down the side. Continue to whisk on med/high until desired whip cream consistency is reached. Chill for later use or serve right away. Enjoy!