Gluten Free Pizza Dough
1 cup GF All Purpose Flour Mix (I use Arrowhead GF Flour Mix)
1 cup Corn Starch
1/2 cup Tapioca Flour
1/2 cup Potato Starch
2 Tablespoons Potato Flour
2 Tablespoons Sugar or Honey
4 Teaspoons Xanthum Gum
2 Packages Fast Acting Dry Yeast
1/2 - 1 Teaspoons Salt
1/2 - 1 Teaspoons Dried Basil
1/2 - 1 Teaspoons Dried Oregano
4 Tablespoons Oil
2 Cups Warm Water
1. In the bowl of an electric mixer using the paddle attachment add all dry ingredients together and stir slightly.
2. With the mixer on low add the oil then slowly add the water until the dough just starts to bind together.
3. Turn the mixer to high and beat dough for 3-5 minutes.
4. While dough is mixing prepare 2 large cookie sheet by spraying them lightly with a GF nonstick spray or use a silpac (nonstick cooking mat).
5. Once dough is done mixing divide dough evenly between the two pans. Spread dough out evenly across the pan, all the way to the edges. I found that putting a plastic bag on my hand and spraying it lightly with oil is the easiest way to press the dough out.
6. Cover the spread out dough with plastic wrap and set aside to rise about 30-40 minutes. If you like your crust a little lighter you can let is rise longer.
7. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
8. Once dough has risen remove the plastic wrap and top it with all your favorites.
9. Bake until cheese is bubble and just starting to brown. The crust should be slightly golden around the edges.
10. Slide pizza off the pan onto a cutting board to slice. I like to leave the pizza on a cooling rack instead of leaving it on the pan. The bottom of the crust stays crisp that way. Sometimes if you leave the pizza sitting in the pan the heat and steam will make the bottom of the crust a little soggy. That is if sticks around long enough to get soggy. In our house it never sits long before the kids dig into it.